Safeguarding is a term used to describe the duties and responsibilities that those providing education and training have to carry out to protect individuals from harm and to feel safe.
Our safeguarding arrangements are to:
Ensure we practise safe recruitment of staff and volunteers
Raise awareness of safeguarding issues and equip learners with the skills to keep themselves safe
Develop and implement procedures for identifying and reporting safeguarding issues
Provide a safe environment in which to learn and work
Take appropriate action to ensure that learners are kept safe at home, work and in training
Identify and support any young or vulnerable learners suffering, or likely to suffer any significant harm
Identify and support learners that are at risk of radicalisation and put together a support programme
If you think you are being hurt or abused by another learner, member of staff, visitor or someone outside of work:
Tell someone you trust about what is happening
Contact a member of the SCCU safeguarding team (see below)